Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hidden Jewels:

The best thing of spending quiet time with God is that He has placed little hidden treasures in the midst of His word just for us! If we spend the time, we will find those that He has given us. This week I stumbled across this verse and just fell in love with reminds me of our purpose here in this amazing "group of islands"!

Isaiah 42:12

"Let them give glory unto the Lord, and declare his praise to the islands"

Thursday, August 23, 2007


In every situation it seems that we are trying to instill in our children that they are to do all things "to the glory of God and not unto men" and to maintain such a way of living that if anyone were to slander their names that their reputation, etc would speak for itself and those who know them would have reason to say, no, that's not the Ebert kids, they wouldn't do that, act that way, say those things, etc. Last night while I was sleeping, my Myspace had been hacked into and there were messages sent of explicit nature and I was oblivious to it all until I checked my email...I had close to 10 messages from friends telling me about the disaster at hand. What is totally great about this is is that not one person felt that maybe I had actually been the one who had sent it! My character was on the line...there were questions that would be asked...answers that would need to be given...what kind of life have I portrayed to the people around me...and what are they thinking of me right now? Praise be to my God who has made such a difference in me; that He has turned the old to the new and that He patiently guides me throughout this journey called "life". I was challenged today, so I did a little research on character/reputation because it was in the front of my mind. I would like to share what the Lord showed me:

Webster's Def: Character : ~The complex of mental and ethical traits making a person or a group ~A person marked by conspicuous {striking, noticable, remarkable, outstanding} often peculiar traits [isn't there a scripture about being a 'peculiar people'?] ~reputation ~moral excellence

God's Divine Word: Re. Conduct: Titus 2:7-8 "In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrine, shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerety, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you."

Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in Heaven."

We do not perform good works to gain the applause of men, however, we perform these good works as an honor to the Lord, that when "men" do see us, we can point them to the Father of all truth and righteousness. We are to conduct ourselves in such a way that brings glory to our God. I love how the scripture in Titus tells us that it is a "pattern of good works"...this indicates to me that it is consistent behavior...repetitious even. May we be strengthened to continue the good work that God has put before us and that we would be reminded of our focus...I know I have been today!

"Lord God, I honor You for the change you have made in my life...I praise you because it is only through you, that, we as humans are able to live a consistent life...I know that any good that is within me is from you Lord, it all comes from you! I thank you for turning what someone else meant for evil into a blessing today!"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


You need an ATM? No problem...we have 1 here...ONE is right! We have 3 banks here in Iba, however, 2 of the banks seem to always have a problem with their ATM machines, so if you are needing some fast cash, you are in serious trouble, which is bad because you hardly ever use anything but cash here! The one bank that carries the ATM services on a constant basis has a steady stream of customers daily...and let me tell you, these are the most patient people I have ever seen in my life. Paul needed some "quick cash" the other day and so down to town he went and low and behold, the other banks were out of service, so he proceeded to MetroBank to take his place in line...that was 10am as we went to take Jonah to school. Come about 12 when it was time to pick Jonah up from school...he was still in line!!!! To top it all off, it was also raining! I graciously delivered his jacket to him to shield from the rain and it all just totally cracked me up, so, of course, I grabbed a pic of him being the patient man that he is. I also couldn't resist to take a pic of the others who found their place in the line as well. Unbelievable! He finally made it home that day close to 1:00! Now everytime he's in Manila, he scores a little extra cash before coming home...just in case! Hee hee! Lesson learned!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Friday, August 10, 2007


As I have already mentioned, we recently survived our first typhoon of the season....Praise the Lord for that. We knew the weather was getting worse Tuesday evening, but were unsure if we were just going to have severe rains, etc. Wednesday morning, we found out that the kids would not have class...because of the continuous rains...still no real danger from typhoons at that time. By mid-afternoon Wednesday, we were experiencing the full effects of Typhoon Dodong. The kids were still in the "oh no, are we going to get sucked away" stage...I guess that shows where we came from! And I believe that Jonah heard more than once that things were going to be ok because we found him talking to the dogs saying, "It's ok Star, it's ok Tex, it's only a typhoon"!

There is no good way to explain exactly what a typhoon looks like...I had heard that I would see rain unlike any other rain I have seen in my life...I think that's a pretty accurate description! The rain and winds would whip around the house and change directions at any given time, and the rain was more horizontal than vertical...the weirdest thing, to confirm, I've ever seen!

Wednesday night the news told us that the schools would be closed in the entire Zambales Province so, we settled in for a good ol' family movie night. Just as the popcorn was finished popping...Power out! Once we got the candles lit and everyone settled down, I took a quick picture of our "brown-out companions":

The power did recover and we did get to finish our movie together, but the night brought on many more storms and sleep came when it could between scared kiddos and howling winds. As I went to bed that night, I thought to myself, "are we really going to be ok"? You know, we put on a good strong face for our kids because we don't want them to be frightened, but deep inside I wondered if it was ok for us to be in bed resting and not sitting in the closet finding shelter from the storm (again, a sign of our former tornado days!). As I lay there, it's like God spoke over me to see the experience of the Filipino people around me...they've lived through this their entire lives...and they are sleeping peacefully, they were not panicked, they were not tucked into their, they were getting the rest they needed to, in fact, drive to work the next morning! The Lord continued to reveal these things to me in order to bring me the peace and rest I needed; He reminded me that it's like being with Him in the midst of the storms of life...I know that I can rest because I know that He has been there before me. He is not panicked...He does not run and hide, rather, He comforts us with His calming presence and, therefore, we rest. It is the "peace that passeth all understanding", indeed!
The kids have continued to have cancelled classes for the rest of this week and we have seen many storms pass through since Tuesday, but the worst is past us and we look forward to a nice weekend. As a matter of fact, today it rained less than it has all week! We have taken note that the next typhoon is not far away...maybe 4 days until it will hit, but I think we're gonna be just fine! For now, I am most grateful that we have been able to see the first typhoon of the season come and go!!!! I am also grateful that my Father knows just how to speak to my troubled heart!
"Lord you are amazing and wonderful...thank you for the way you minister to me when I seem to get a little uneasy of the 'raging storms' around me...You speak peace and all is still...God, You are amazing!"

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Postal Services

So, we headed downtown to the Post Office of Iba to get ourselves a little ol' mailbox of our very own. I was so excited; right now we are sharing a post box with Paul's parents and even though it is always nice to get the mail when they deliver it, there's just something about going to the box yourself. What I didn't realize was the time frame involved in getting this crazy box. I took someone with me last Wed and the office informed us that the postmaster was not in that day, but that we would have to come back. Friday, Paul and I were in town already so we decided that we would stop and the postmaster was there, but he did not have any keys to the boxes so we would have to, once again, come back another time. Finally yesterday Paul ran down to try again...SUCCESS...we are the proud owners of Box #4379! There's just something about it all that just cracks me up...not sure exactly what, but it does. I took a few pictures of our humble Post Office...I am so grateful for this little place!

Monday, August 6, 2007

New Favorite!

We have a new favorite snack/dessert here at the house~~Turon!
*Simple: 1) Take a Saba banana 2) half lengthwise 3) coat in brown sugar
4) wrap in lumpia wrapper 5) fry in hot oil...YUM!

Paul remembered eating these as a child and asked if we could prepare them at the house here, so last week we gathered in the kitchen for a little cooking lesson and enjoyed our great "new favorite"!

Mrs. Claire~"Our Teacher"

Sarah's Got It!

Aside from this tasty treat, there is another variation that just happens to be the choice of the two for Mr. Paul...the "Banana-Q". The difference between this one

and the one described above is that the banana is not rolled in a wrapper before it's fried, rather, it is only the banana coated in the brown sugar and then fried on a stick! This is his new travel snack for his weekly drive to Manila.

Banana Q

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Last week we recieved an unexpected phone call. Some friends that we had made on deputation called because they were in the Philippines finalizing the adoption of these dear children. This process has been many years in the making for them and they are so excited about it all. We enjoyed our time with Bro. Jarrod, wife Christy and daughter Abby, along with new additions of Narcisso, Mary Grace, and Mary Ann. The icing on the cake is that Mrs. Christy is expecting another boy! What a joy to have been in their presence and to have made new friends with these sweet kiddos!


Today I shopped at Walmart! Can you believe it? Well, ok, it does sound too good to be true and really it is! What happened is that we took a day trip to Olongapo with the kids and went shopping for a few things that we are unable to get here in Iba. Olongapo is only 1 hr away and is the location for the previous Cubic Bay...where the base used to be has been converted into a tourist area and has many freeport exchange stores, etc. While browsing around, I came across some M&M thermos mugs for the kids for lunch. I scored one in each color; Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green...pretty good find! What's best is that we only paid 89 pecos each, which converts into about $1.75...again, pretty good find! When we got home and started the unloading process, I was taking off wrappers, etc and found this sticker on the bottom of one of the thermos:

Cracked me up! I couldn't get over it! When in the states, I think I personally kept Walmart in business and just recently I had a conversation here trying to explain, to the "T", how the store was set up, what they had to offer the customer, etc. (I think I could almost tell you what isle the peanut butter was on~ha!) It was at that time that I realized I really did miss that crazy store! It's funny what we take for granted. So this little tag was a sweet reminder that even though I am world's away from the nearest Walmart, that God is still going to provide each and every thing we might need along the way!

I guess you could also say that not only did we get the "Walmart" find of the day, but we also got it on "clearance"! Hee hee...I love that part!