Thursday, September 27, 2007


Everyday I pass down the same road...this "same road" is lined by rice fields on both sides. I have been here just long enough to see the entire process of planting, watering, ripening, and most recently, the harvesting. The process is so intriguing to me; these people must think I'm nuts because I just keep staring and taking their pictures.

Today on my way to the school just after 7 am, I passed the fields just as I do every morning, but today it was with a new vision. I watched as a hand full of men worked diligently on the fields they were given. I noticed that they did not work side by side neccessarily, yet they spread out into smaller areas on their own. As I passed by again around 10 am, they were still hard at work...I could see some of their progress, yet, there was still so much work left to do; surely they would still be working as evening set in.

What a spiritual lesson God showed me today. A real life example of the task He has put before each of us:

"...The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few, pray ye that the

Lord of the Harvest sould send forth laborers into His harvest"

There is so much work left to be done...there are many workers, hard workers, yet it seems that that fields are so full, so massive that maybe there is someone else that could join in the work.

"Oh God, this is fresh and new to me today. Give me the work that you would have me do, but Lord also, call others into your fields; there is a harvest of souls out there that need to be reached. I thank you for showing me the need of those around me today and for renewing the passion within me."

Jonah's Journey...

As you may already know, we are scheduling a trip to Manila this weekend in order to get Rachel to a pediatric doctor there to confirm the diagnosis she has received from the local doctor here. I spent most of my day getting things put together in order to start the packing process later this evening. Jonah got wind of my planning and decided that it was time for us to go to Manila "right now"...I tried explaining to him that we were going to be leaving tomorrow after school, etc, but he would have no part of that point he became a little too stubborn to argue with any longer, so I told him that he was welcome to ride with me in the van tomorrow, but if he absolutely HAD to go today, he was just going to have to walk there!

No problem for him, he packed up his game boy {a.k.a. the essentials}, put on his shoes and out the door he went. On the way out of the garage, he noticed one of the small suitcases sitting by the door (I had brought them out earlier to use for packing later), so he then put his backpack inside the suitcase and started out the driveway. It took him a minute to realize that I was really not going with him, and it was kind of sprinkling a little bit, but he eventually made it out of the gate and onto the path.

I was laughing so hard {making sure to laugh silently so he wouldn't know} all the while waving and telling him goodbyes. I told him that it would sure be nice if he would like to ride with me tomorrow, but I understood that he needed to go today. The goodbyes continued: "I will miss you buddy, be careful"!

It took him about 10 mins and he came back up the drive. He told me kind of nonchalantly: "Ok, I will come back now". This is the time for me to comment with "what a goose!", he had certainly pulled a new one on me I said before, he always keeps me laughing! I love it!!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Precious Promises

Yesterday we were in the midst of the everyday hussle and bussle of getting everyone ready for school...snacks were packed, water bottles not forgotten, and backpacks in place. This particular morning, as we got into the car, we were not rushed to get down the road *as usual* because we had actually managed to make it out of the house with enough time...dare I say, a little extra time. God met us on the way and then we knew the purpose for our few extra minutes! Our Creator had placed a beautiful rainbow right in front of us! And He had given us the time to stop and take it all in...what a blessing to start our day together by praising the Lord for giving us such a wonderful gift and for the reminder of His blessed promise to Noah so many years ago.

When I made it back home, my heart was still fixed on God and His promises. I love that He placed the bow in the sky to remind us of the promise that He would no longer cover the earth with water...but what else has He promised us?

*Just like the rainbow, He has also left us His blessed Spirit to dwell within us as His promise that He would not leave us "comfortless" [John 14:16-18].

*He also promised us that He would one day return...[see John 14:1-3] There have been many since that time that have questioned His dear promise and have grown inpatient; however, II Peter 3:9 tells us that "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness: but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that al should come to repentance."

*God loves us, He wants us to come to Him and He doesn't wish that anyone of us would miss His gift of eternal life. {Which is in itself another promise: "And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life" I John 2:25} We can rest in the fact that He is the same God now as He was the day that He swept His almighty hand across the sky, placing in it, the colorful rainbow...His promises are sure...His promises are truth!

Ok, so now it's your turn...which of God's promises do you hold tightest to? What promises are most precious? He is worthy...let's share His goodness!

"God, you are awesome, thank you for sending your rainbow as a reminder that you are still God. I praise you for meeting me in the midst of my day. Lord, I also honor you for loving me and for pursuing my heart so that I would not perish...your gift of eternal life is amazing! I love you and your truth brings me peace!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

'Twas Wednesday Evening...

...and all through the house, not a creature was sturring, not even a....


Ok, so that's not exactly how the story goes, but it is the essence of our little story. Early Wednesday evening, just after we had finished dinner and Paul disappeared...I couldn't find him anywhere. I asked the house girls where he had gone or if they had seen him. They told me that he had grabbed Richard to go down to the lake to see the crocodile.

Me: "WHAT??? A CROCODILE??? IN THE LAKE??? YOU MEAN THAT LAKE???" {while pointing down the hill from the house and adding a little "you're kidding me" in there}

Before I absolutely lost my mind over this thing, I had to do the most rational thing I could think of...I grabbed my camera and jumped in the truck to run take a picture of this crocodile to share with everyone! Much to my disappointment {and secret relief} the "crocodile" was no where to be seen; and actually he was not even a crocodile at all. Earlier in the day while the camp workers were leaving for their lunch break, they had seen a large Dragon Lizard sunbathing out on the road near the lake and had first mistaken him to be a crocodile because of his size. At this time, Paul is assuring me that this is not the emphamis Komodo Dragon, but until he is captured there is no way to really know what type he is.

Today when I was bringing Jonah home from school I noticed one of the workers spending his lunch break out searching through the bushes for our new friend. So, maybe sooner or later, they will find him and before they decide to sell him, eat him, etc, I will try my best to get pictures of him to share with you all...until then, we'll just be praying that he stays right down there near the water & does not decide to come up the hill to pay us a little visit instead!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Once in a Blue Moon"

Jared asked for help with his homework yesterday; he was on the subject Language Arts and was in the middle of an assignment dealing with common cliche`s. He was having to fill in the blanks with colors like:

  • Her hair was as _______ as snow.
  • The girl was _______ with envy.
  • He is the ________ sheep of the family.

There were some that he had never heard of, so we were having fun filling them out together. He came across this one> "Once in a ______ moon"

I'm glad he made the connection, but I was left with a bit of a sad feeling for him. They have done so great, but we've been here just long enough for it to become total reality. They/we are realizing that this is no vacation, it's not a short term trip...this is it, this is our life. God has been so good, I know that through whatever sadness comes our way that God is our stablizing factor...we are here for Him and He will not leave us to be sad or lonely. The comfort that is given to me in my weak moments is enough to share...I thank God that He gives it when it is needed.

My kids are so precious...I am asking that as you read this that you would say a quiet prayer on their behalf! Thank you!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Most Improved!

Saturday we had our first parent/teacher meeting at the school. The kids had just finished their periodic testing and were to be awarded their first report cards of the school year. I am a proud parent, so it's no surprise that I am sharing that we have 3 children that made Honor Roll this quarter! {Woo Hoo! Go Eberts!} We also had Jared who was "Best in English" and Sarah who was "Most Active" (we're still trying to figure out if that's good or bad~ha).

The best award given to an Ebert was granted to Mr. Jonah-man.... ~drum roll please~

"Most Improved"

Whew! Poor little guy, he had a rough start and both his teachers and his parents have worked really hard, and have prayed many prayers, to get him to this place. He missed "Honor Roll" grades by only 3 points! He is doing awesome...thank you Lord that you have brought us to this resting place!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Lazy Dayz

Yesterday I received a text message saying that I would need to come and pick up the kids early because they were without power. The school's electricity had a short circuit in their mainline, so they made it till lunch time ok, but the heat was too much for the afternoon. The plan was come home, get your assignments done, and we'll go down to the swimming pool before dinner. They were happy to accommodate those plans...they did their work as told, and as soon as the clock hit 3, they rushed to grab their suits and towels, applied the sunscreen...out the door we went. Jared raced us there on his bike and managed to gain bragging rights of being the first one into the water. I didn't have my camera with me, so I had to capture our moment with the trusty cell phone...turned out pretty good I think:

There are so many blessings (like this one) that come from living here...sometimes I just love to sit back and take it all in. We really enjoyed our lazy afternoon hanging out by the pool...I am so grateful!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

God still answers prayers!

"Casting all your cares upon Him; for He careth for you"

As silly as it may sound...this message is one of rejoicing over the departure of our newest pet! I have to say that I really wasn't praying for God to kill him, but I did have to let go of my anxieties over having that snake that close to my children. At first the thought of the potential danger was enough to sufficate me, but turning my fears and "cares" over to God really helped me to accept the fact that I was going to be the pet-parent to a python...something I would have never dreamed of hearing myself say ever in my lifetime.

The first week, we tried to feed him a baby chick (still having nightmares about that one! ha ha) and he refused to eat, so we were consulted that it was not a problem but that maybe he would only eat every 2 wks or so, so we have been waiting before trying to feed him again. To my surprise, Paul came home yesterday with the determination that we should just let him go & be done with the whole process! This is what was the determining factor: Paul was told that if we could not get the snake to eat on his own, that, in order to keep him alive, we would have to "force feed" him some meat! Yes, that's what I said; Paul (notice I did not say I) would have to hold the snake and force meat down his throat for digestion! Paul said that there are many things he is willing to do, but force feeding a python is not one of them, so "Pouncer" would have to find a new home or he would have to face certain death of starvation. I breathed a sigh of relief today as they took him away...I love how God naturally took care of it with little participation on our parts...guess that's what makes Him an awesome God~at least to me! :-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pet Python

Now I know that you guys out there have been wondering about our "pest" problem. Well, I am not sure if I have lost my mind or not, but I am writing to say that we have a new pet! It is, in fact, a 2.5 ft python! The little guy was found in the rafters of the dining hall down at the camp and my husband decided that he would like to become "father of the year" so he cleaned up the handed down aquarium (how convenient was that) and made a home for our new friend. When the kids came home they were so happy, I'm just not sure that I am as happy! Jared wants him in his room...for now, we are taking baby steps to that; his home is in the garage! That's about as close as I can handle for the meantime; Paul is confident that I'll come around...only time will tell. What he doesn't know is that I pray for that little guy to meet his maker every night! wink~wink! And, of course, I have pictures to share:

Monday, September 3, 2007

God's Will

I received a sweet poem from a good friend that I would like to share. God called her family away from their home to a new place of service and saying yes to God was not an easy thing for her in the beginning. God has a lovely way of gently reminding us that, when He calls us to what may seem like the impossible, He is always in control. Thank you Charity for your words of remembrance of those who took the chance to be obedient to God's will and for sharing your are an encouragement!


by Charity Kaler

Saying yes to God is not an easy thing

Put a baby in a basket

Kill a giant with a sling

Saying yes to God isn’t easy yes it’s true

Sacrifice your only son with just grace to pull you through

Saying yes to God really puts you to the test

Go tell pharaoh let my people go and I will do the rest

Saying yes to God can be dangerous and scary

It can even leave you doing some explaining like Mary

Saying yes to God can make people think you’re crazy

Like building a giant boat when the sky's not even hazy

Saying yes to

God is hard but saying no is harder

Sleeping in a fishes’ belly instead of on the charter

Saying yes to God will really make you wonder

What are you going to do about this lion that I’m under

Saying yes to God can make your mind start turning

Does he really understand that this furnace could start burning

And though saying yes to God is not an easy thing to do

It’s the only way to live your life if your faith is to be true

New church plant:

This past weekend Paul and I were invited to be a part of another new church plant in Cavite City (just south of Manila). The pastor there was with us on the trip to Sorsagon and we have been very excited for his sending to take place. Edmund and Nitz Dela Cruz were sent out as pastor and pastor's wife from the Bible Baptist Temple in San Juaquin back in July. They have already been establishing home Bible studies and are meeting in homes 5 nights a week.

During the visitation/saturation time Saturday morning, we found that there were many in his area that were professing believers; however, they had not been baptized neither are they members of a local church. At the afternoon evangelistic meeting, we had about 75 in attendance and Paul preached the simple plan of salvation, showing the condition of man in his sin and how we can do nothing on our own to reach God, but yet, Christ came and gave His life so that He might bridge the gap and, by accepting this incredible gift, we can receive the eternal, abundant life God has to offer us. 7 glorious souls were added to God's kingdom that day and we give Him all the praise for those results. Better still, we received news from Ptr. Edmund that in his first Sunday morning service, he had 25 in attendance...there was a family that attended the Saturday meeting that even brought visitors to Sunday morning! Looks like God is already blessing...we cannot wait to see how God will be made known throughout the community there in Cavite.

Please view the pictures and video that give you the "eyes" and "ears" to our meeting.