In every situation it seems that we are trying to instill in our children that they are to do all things "to the glory of God and not unto men" and to maintain such a way of living that if anyone were to slander their names that their reputation, etc would speak for itself and those who know them would have reason to say, no, that's not the Ebert kids, they wouldn't do that, act that way, say those things, etc. Last night while I was sleeping, my Myspace had been hacked into and there were messages sent of explicit nature and I was oblivious to it all until I checked my email...I had close to 10 messages from friends telling me about the disaster at hand. What is totally great about this is is that not one person felt that maybe I had actually been the one who had sent it! My character was on the line...there were questions that would be asked...answers that would need to be given...what kind of life have I portrayed to the people around me...and what are they thinking of me right now? Praise be to my God who has made such a difference in me; that He has turned the old to the new and that He patiently guides me throughout this journey called "life". I was challenged today, so I did a little research on character/reputation because it was in the front of my mind. I would like to share what the Lord showed me:
Webster's Def: Character : ~The complex of mental and ethical traits making a person or a group ~A person marked by conspicuous {striking, noticable, remarkable, outstanding} often peculiar traits [isn't there a scripture about being a 'peculiar people'?] ~reputation ~moral excellence
God's Divine Word: Re. Conduct: Titus 2:7-8 "In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works, in doctrine, shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerety, sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you."
Matthew 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in Heaven."
We do not perform good works to gain the applause of men, however, we perform these good works as an honor to the Lord, that when "men" do see us, we can point them to the Father of all truth and righteousness. We are to conduct ourselves in such a way that brings glory to our God. I love how the scripture in Titus tells us that it is a "pattern of good works"...this indicates to me that it is consistent behavior...repetitious even. May we be strengthened to continue the good work that God has put before us and that we would be reminded of our focus...I know I have been today!
"Lord God, I honor You for the change you have made in my life...I praise you because it is only through you, that, we as humans are able to live a consistent life...I know that any good that is within me is from you Lord, it all comes from you! I thank you for turning what someone else meant for evil into a blessing today!"
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