Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Childlike Faith

I would have to say that about 3 out of the 5 days that Jonah gets driven to and from school, we end up in deep conversation about God. {I just love it!} Some of his typical statements and questions are:

"Where is God? He's in Heaven?"

"He lives in our hearts, we are saved"

"The fire is not good"

I think that my favorite part of him being this age is that he is becoming acutely aware of eternity and the fact that he needs a God to save him from the "fire". Of course, he still also thinks that sin is a good thing, so there is still a ways to go. Until there is full understanding, we continue in prayer, knowing that he will say that precious prayer when it is his time...God's time.

What this dear boy has also grasped lately is that God is all around us. He can be seen in the clouds, in the trees, in the rocks {oh how that boy loves rocks}...each time he has taken notice of the sunsets, sun rays peeking through the clouds, etc, he makes the statement to me:

"That's God mommy~that's God up there"!

It makes my heart melt first of all, but mostly it just brings my frail being into the realization that it IS God...I am humbled just as David was when he spoke the words in Psalms 8:

"O Lord our Lord! , how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens....When I consider thy heavens, the work of the fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained: What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?...O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!"

I want to commit my days to the Author of them, to notice His handy work all around me, I do not want to become complacent and lose the "vision"...Through the ministry of my youngest son, God is showing me that in order to complete the task set before me, I need to possess this greater faith, this "child-like faith"!

**Thank you Jesus for saving me, for giving your life for mine. Thank you Creator for giving us testimony of your Glorious existence in the world all around us. Oh, create in me a renewed faith, that of a child...that I would follow willingly, that I would believe you to do amazing things! Bless your name above all the earth~You are worthy!"**

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