Monday, September 10, 2007

Most Improved!

Saturday we had our first parent/teacher meeting at the school. The kids had just finished their periodic testing and were to be awarded their first report cards of the school year. I am a proud parent, so it's no surprise that I am sharing that we have 3 children that made Honor Roll this quarter! {Woo Hoo! Go Eberts!} We also had Jared who was "Best in English" and Sarah who was "Most Active" (we're still trying to figure out if that's good or bad~ha).

The best award given to an Ebert was granted to Mr. Jonah-man.... ~drum roll please~

"Most Improved"

Whew! Poor little guy, he had a rough start and both his teachers and his parents have worked really hard, and have prayed many prayers, to get him to this place. He missed "Honor Roll" grades by only 3 points! He is doing awesome...thank you Lord that you have brought us to this resting place!

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