Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Pet Python

Now I know that you guys out there have been wondering about our "pest" problem. Well, I am not sure if I have lost my mind or not, but I am writing to say that we have a new pet! It is, in fact, a 2.5 ft python! The little guy was found in the rafters of the dining hall down at the camp and my husband decided that he would like to become "father of the year" so he cleaned up the handed down aquarium (how convenient was that) and made a home for our new friend. When the kids came home they were so happy, I'm just not sure that I am as happy! Jared wants him in his room...for now, we are taking baby steps to that; his home is in the garage! That's about as close as I can handle for the meantime; Paul is confident that I'll come around...only time will tell. What he doesn't know is that I pray for that little guy to meet his maker every night! wink~wink! And, of course, I have pictures to share:

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